
Arc8 from butel
Arc8 from butel

Reagan s lax cuts jls as unfar to most p V J F rt4 o r l t t l x l v / r t Assumng nflaton fow asts proposed delayng By HAL-BERNTON hav erab es,lo say s : o rre c t, a two-earner couple w -L aurelf lem ng,-the mother le ro f Jeffrey Flemng. Mondal ndale has attacked 1 * 1 aso.opo famly. den entlal canddates would gve g an more tax you pay, U Ue bgger your tax ext xlra S a week to the typcal cut n dollars, $ (J-a-ycar one-earner coup! jple wth D em ocratc pres resldental nomnee two chldren, and $15 a Week!k lo the W alter F. After the conclude otterwlse would bc to dsregard Ue famly. basc dea of those tax tj reductons: Ue leaned on a lghtlyly clenched fst. To com m ent, as dd members 2rs of Rosencranlzs O contenton between lhe two -0 pres. \ Rosencranlz sa t wll wthout emoton throughout ut sentence for the com mnsslon a of the crm c of Afler the tral, a stem-fac faced Stoker refused jffect n January a m ajor -pont p of dvdual lax rates :es 2 and contnues the th e sentencng, hs hej head perched forward as le C voluntary manslauglter, r, Uls s that case. fedc ederal ncome lax cuts due to take R eagans across-u s-ue-board cut n n. a ease lhat was pproprls srlale for the maxmum wrote. excused due lo ns drnkng behavor, Hurlbuttsac sad. Stoker predcted that Roseneranlz would not do H urbutts m em orandum n j also dlsmlssed t h e - T noton that Rosencranlzs actons could bc F e d e m ] j a x b t t e?nftraly nonvoem Bnr- o t c- or UP lmt boforon w thdraw n ch aracter th al beles" hs danger to co u ro flaw ag aln. Judgeslnvalldat daa- tm e for m allng-to! d eh l elh -R o aettrto fthlf l tcf20-years n p ftso n o r - "d a n g e r l o e T y r S l c M e - la s recently lc: lc7c crm esbfu nvoun rn3vsdtrthat-rcqurcs=mum=e O ncells clents drn rnkng was controlled, legal reasoflng." sentencng nem orn orandum. had lo be settled 1 quckly fortjallots to H urlbult .sentenced Castleford res- 1- had a rgued Uat hs cher llcnt no longer posed a ence c would subvert the Jurys verdct of then JT h e. Hurbutt challenged Stokc kcr s analogy lo the law unconsttutonal and uphelc cldouer challenge lo Ue 2 ballot requrements TWN FALLS -F fth Dstrct JutlEC Danel!l Je ff StokerrR oscncran antzs detense~counsel: " D Dallas case-and contentons- ns-that- a h a rsh se n pent bttlors. ntent of the.gls]aturc n settng the maxmum pop opulstsl sde of the case, e earer, Tlmes-News \Tlter fam ly m elbers and w as S then ll escorted from the al allow ablesentence." decl leclared p art ot Ue daloel electon Stale offcals ls had sad the. 1 O lver b e s t b KSbsBSMBflH T s h o w 3 > e e f - A, th year, No.

Arc8 from butel